Seeking a career in innovation?

Together with our partners Ericsson, Saab, NIBE and Sandvik we invite you to a day of in-depth networking to explore career opportunities for you. 29 January 2025.

Talent Day

Welcome to Talent Day, a unique alternative to traditional career fairs. Meet some of the world’s most innovative companies, and often top-ranked workplaces among students, in-depth.

Apply now

Join us for networking sessions with Ericsson, Saab, NIBE and Sandvik, giving you a great opportunity to make personal connections. During the moderator-led social lunch you can network with the companies and students from other universities. You may also win an hour of personal coaching from the companies. Here is what you can expect:

  • Networking sessions with the companies 
  • Personal connections
  • Moderator-led social lunch 
  • Network with the companies and students from other universities 
  • Win an hour of personal coaching with a company representative 


29 January 2025, 9.00-14.00.

After the formal programme students are welcome to explore the museum, taking a quiz around the exhibitions together with the other students.


Students of Computer and systems science, Engineering, IT, Information technology, Engineering physics, Applied and Engineering mathematics and Electrical engineering. 


Tekniska museet, museivägen 7, 115 27 Stockholm 

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Ericsson, a global leader in communication technology and related services, creates transformative solutions that shape the future. By merging creativity, expertise, and advanced technology, Ericsson unlocks new possibilities in communication. Employees are empowered to use their skills and imagination to push boundaries, developing innovative solutions to some of the world’s toughest challenges. 

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Saab is a leading defence and security company Saab, a leading defence and security company, helps nations ensure safety and sustainability.. Empowered by its 24,000 talented people, Saab constantly pushes the boundaries of technology to create a safer and more sustainable world. Research and innovation are two of Saab’s most important contributions to sustainable development. Collaborating with industries and universities, Saab fosters growth and development in society.

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NIBE is a Swedish international heating technology company, highly ranked for its sustainability efforts. With a world-class product portfolio, NIBE is dedicated to intensive, high-quality development, making significant investments to boost energy efficiency. This focus positions NIBE as a key player in the global shift towards sustainability, offering good career opportunities for employees. 

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Sandvik is a global leader in high-tech engineering for manufacturing, mining, and infrastructure. With expertise in equipment, tools, services, and sustainable solutions, they specialise in advanced mining technologies, including electric and automated equipment. Sandvik also offers digital solutions to boost manufacturing efficiency. The company provides extensive career and growth opportunities. 


  • 8.15: Chartered bus from the Central station to Tekniska 
  • 8.30: Chartered bus from the Central station to Tekniska 
  • 8.30-9.00: Registration and breakfast  
  • 9.10-9.30: Introduction by moderator Paulina Modlitba and presentation of the company sessions  

The students will be divided into four groups and will in groups visit all the company sessions. 

  • 9.30.-9.45 Paus and transfer to session 1 
  • 9.45-10.15: Session 1 
  • 10.15-10.30: Paus and transfer to session 2 
  • 10.30-11.00: Session 2 
  • 11.00-11.15: Paus and transfer to session 3  
  • 11.15-11.45: Session 3 
  • 11.45-12.00: Paus and transfer to session 4  
  • 12.00-12.30: Session 4 
  • 12.30-12.45: Paus and transfer to lunch 
  • 12.45-13.45: Social lunch 

Students will be divided into groups and each table will get a query from one of the companies to discuss. Winners of coaching will be announced. The moderator will round up the day – the official programme ends. 

  • 14.00 Chartered bus from Tekniska to the Central station 


  • 14.00:  Quiz around the museum for students that wish to stay 
  • 16.00 Chartered bus from Tekniska to the Central station 

Voices from last year

Being able to talk to the people from the companies in a more intimate way and get a deeper understanding of how things work at those companies and what you can do.

Very hard to choose, it was all really great. The sessions, inspirational talk, or maybe the dinner when you could talk to the other students and companies.

Senast uppdaterad 7 januari 2025.