Wisdome Stockholm

Delad bild som till höger visar en fluga och till vänster visar en astronaut.

Wise up at Wisdome Stockholm

With immersive 3D in 360°, we take you further away, deeper down and more close-up than you have ever been before. At Wisdome Stockholm, difficult challenges and complex situations are transformed into breathtaking experiences.

Breathtaking adventures with cutting-edge visualisation technology

In the spherical dome, you will be completely immersed in high-resolution 3D projections – all the way around and above you. Six laser projectors with 8K resolution and an advanced 10.1 sound system combine to create an experience that is so realistic that you will doubt your own senses. With our explainers at the controls, we will explore the galaxy as an open world, based entirely on the latest images from NASA and ESA’s satellites.

Here we can discover the world around us in 3D – just as we do in real life. The ability to scale up or down and to move around freely through time and space makes it possible for us to comprehend distances, microscopic dimensions, and processes of events over the course of millions of years or within a millisecond.

The technology can be adjusted to tailor the content and experiences to different visitor groups, such as families with children, high school students, adult evening visitors or corporate events.

Book your ticket now!

Breathtaking experiences

personer med vr-glasogön sitter och tittar på en domeföreställning i wisdome stockholm

VAST 3D – A cosmic journey through time and space

Space is incomprehensibly vast. Our inquisitive nature and thirst for knowledge have inspired us to explore space and to learn more about the universe. But there still remains an incredible amount for us to explore. In the STORT dome show, we embark on a journey further out into space than any human has ever been. Everything that we see on this journey is based on genuine data that has been collected as a result of mankind’s technical advances and many years of research. Join us on the journey, starting in our own solar system and heading all the way out to the Big Bang.

Tjej med mikrofon klädd som astronaut.

OpenSpace: An interactive space adventure for the whole family

Our space pilot takes you and your whole family on an adventure that takes you away from the Earth, past the Moon and out to other celestial bodies, both within and beyond our solar system, learning more about mankind’s research into the Universe. This is a live show in the OpenSpace visualisation programme, which is designed to visualise the entire known Universe and to depict the ongoing research work to explore the cosmos. OpenSpace uses the latest real-time data and makes research into the cosmos accessible to the general public. The OpenSpace project is a collaboration with NASA.

tjej med vr-glasögon

Making Magic 3D – A visual effect story

In the magical world of visual effects, anything can happen. Making Magic tells the story of how programming code is transformed into unbelievable adventures in films and video games, and how they are affected by the natural laws that govern the real world. Join us on an exciting journey and discover how effects are made – from equations to explosions.

man med vr-glasögon som tittar på månen.

Explore the Universe in 3D

With our explainers at the controls, we will explore the galaxy as an open world, based entirely on the latest images from NASA and ESA’s satellites. Here we can discover the world around us in 3D – just as we do in real life. The technology and content in Wisdome Stockholm can be adapted for different visitor groups, such as families with children, high school students, adult evening visitors or corporate events.

Experiences for schools and companies

LED-möbler framför Wisdome stockholm dome.


Treat your colleagues to a spectacular conference, breathtaking after-work activities or an inspirational kick-off inside the dome. Wisdome Stockholm and Tekniska museet are the ideal venue for the meeting of innovation and a sustainable future. See our offerings for companies here.

publik som sitter i en dome och tittar på jorden i 3D


Turn lessons into an adventure! In Wisdome Stockholm, the complex topics become easier to understand and are made more fun. We create fun-fuelled learning – always with a direct link to the curriculum. Here you can read more about how Wisdome Stockholm can turn your lessons into an experience.

World-class architecture

närbild på ett tak gjort av trä

The architectural firm Elding Oscarson has designed a building that challenges and tests the properties of the materials and the construction. The roof comprises a billowing checked pattern with five layers of wooden beams that cover a span of 48 metres – entirely without any supporting columns. This involves around 20 kilometres of LVL wood, which has been supplied by Stora Enso and then bent and customised with exact precision.

byggnad av trä, trähallen, med ett cafe där personer minglar och ställer sig i kö

Building with wood brings new opportunities in the form of a reduction in transport, a quieter construction process and a more pleasant environment. Above all, it is more climate-smart, which is why wooden material has such an important role to play in the development of the sustainable construction industry of the future. Wisdome Stockholm will represent a challenging point of reference that tests the boundaries of possibility for what can be built using wood.

Collaborations and funding

The initiative is financed with Stora Enso as the chief partner and Vectura as partner for the project management of the construction, with NIBE as the sustainability partner and Ericsson as Tekniska’s chief partner. The realisation of the project has been made possible thanks to the support of the Wallenberg Foundations, The Association of Swedish Engineering Industries, the Erling-Persson Foundation, Stora Fonden and the Fritz Öst Fund for Electrotechnology.

logos for wisdome

A national initiative

Wisdome builds upon the world-leading research within visualisation technology that is being conducted by Norrköping’s Visualiseringscenter C and Linköping University. Funding from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation has now made it possible for this to be scaled up and become a national initiative.

The Wisdome project is based upon a collaboration between Sweden’s five leading science centres – Malmö Museum, Universeum in Gothenburg, Curiosum in Umeå, Tekniska Museet in Stockholm, and Visualiseringscenter C in Norrköping – with Visualiseringscenter C forming the hub of the project. The project also incorporates the involvement of more than ten universities and research facilities working with research, technology, application and didactics.

Last updated 17 October 2024.