Collaborations in MegaMind
Many thanks to all of those people who have made MegaMind possible – from financing to collaborations and co-creation.
Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
Sweden’s future competitiveness is dependent on our young people developing a greater interest in science and technology. Through its activities, the National Museum of Science and Technology works to foster the interest of children and young people in these areas in playful and inclusive ways. With their donation, the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation has been the principal financier of MegaMind.
Stora Fonden
Stora Fonden is a fund that was established in 1991 with contributions from trade and industry, organisations and individuals, and with the purpose of promoting the activities of the National Museum of Science and Technology. Through its support, the fund actively contributes to inspiring interest in science and technology among children and young people.
The Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers
Sweden’s prosperity has been built on technological advances, which have given rise to some of the world’s leading corporations. In order to retain and develop this position, it is essential that more young people develop an interest in science and technology. And in this, a science centre has an important role to play. The Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers have contributed a large donation to MegaMind.
The Swedish State Inheritance Fund
Without people who were faced with problems and hatched ideas, we would not have mobile phones, Minecraft or microscopes. MegaMind shows not only how ideas are generated but also how you can train your brain to become even more creative. Through its donation, the Swedish State Inheritance Fund has contributed to the production of a new science centre exhibition in Stockholm – for all.
Sweden’s Post and Telecom Authority
Through its Innovation competition, each year the Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) awards funds to innovative IT projects that give people with different kinds of functional impairments the opportunity to participate in the community on the same terms as everyone else. In MegaMind, the PTS has financed the installation Music with your whole body and an information system for all.
Barbro Osher Pro Suecia Foundation
Supports projects in the fields of research, culture and higher education and, through its donation ,has helped make MegaMind a reality.
Innovativ Kultur – a resource centre for art and cultural projects
Innovativ Kultur is an initiative of the City of Stockholm to promote and stimulate innovation in culture and collaborations between the cultural sphere, enterprise and research. Innovativ Kultur promotes innovative art and cultural projects and exploratory experiments and ideas, and has financed the installation Mould in thin air in MegaMind.
Ideas, advice and know-how
Reference group accessibility
Centrum för forskning om funktionshinder och Institutionen för informationsteknologi vid Uppsala universitet
Peritos AB Ungdomsrekrytering
Stockholm Center för Kommunikativt och Kognitivt stöd
Stiftarna av Independent Living i Sverige
Hörselskadades Riksförbund
Synskadades riksförbund, Stockholms och Gotlands län
Riksförbundet för Rörelsehindrade Barn och Ungdomar, Stockholms län
FUB För barn, unga och vuxna med utvecklingsstörning
Reference group pedagogics
Concept development
Jonas Hägerbro, logoped och kognitiv neurovetare
Bodil Jönsson, professor emeritus
Håkan Lidbo, ljudkonstnär
Jonathan Lindström, vetenskapsförfattare
Aadu Ott, professor emeritus
Erik Thorstensson, fungineer
Fact checkers
Jon Back, spelforskare, Uppsala universitet
Lars Broman, professor i fysik, Strömstad akademi
Magnus Boman, professor i Software Services, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
Sven Böltes, professor i barn- och ungdomspsykiatrisk vetenskap
Tom Callen, astronom/producent, Science Communicator
Rolf Ekman, professor emeritus i psykiatri och neurokemi, Göteborgs universitet
Allan Emrén, Dr fysikalisk kemi, forskare, Nuchem Research AB
Carlo Fischione, ass professor, Docent, Skolan för elektro- och systemteknik, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
Dag Linnarsson, professor emeritus i barnmedicin, Karolinska institutet
Michael Lindgren, civilingenjör, Dr teknik och social förändring
Göran Manneberg, universitetslektor, Biomedicin, fysik och röntgenfysik
Johan Martin-Löf, civilingenjör, internationell rymdverksamhet
Kjell Sedig, universitetslektor, forskare, Chalmers
Aadu Ott, professor emeritus i Didaktik, Göteborgs universitet
Marie-Lousie Wadenberg, Dr, docent farmakologi, forskare, Linnéuniversitetet
Peter Wallen, univeristetslektor, Institutionen för neurovetenskap, Karolinska institutet
Jonas Söderberg, forskare, SICS – Swedish Institute of Computer Science
Johan Groth, forskare, ingenjör och IT-expert, egen företagare
Families with children
Pupils and teachers in test classes
Adolf Fredriks musikklasser
Carlssons skola
Dalarö skola
Djurgårdens Montessoriförskola
Fredrikshovs slotts skola
Nya Broskolan
Nya Tidens Montessoriskola
Nyboda skola
Pärlans förskola
Rindö skola
Rudboda skola
Silverbäckens förskola
Svedenskolan Mälarhöjden
Södertörns friskola
Södermalms grundsärskola
And the Youth advisory board of The Swedish Association of the Visually Impaired
Architecture, exhibit design, lighting
Albert France-Lanord Architects AB
Technical production
OÜ Ten Twelve/MUSEKO
Bergsbos Svenska AB
Adaption of premises and carpentry
Byggnadsfirma Victor Hanson AB
Fratelli Grupi OÜ
Fibreglass construction
Thore Berntsson Båtbyggeri AB
Development of interactive stations
Dance with synapses, Idea generator and See a brain: Norrköpings Visualiseringscenter
Mould in thin air: KTH School of computer science and communication
Human Brain Project: Human Brain Project. Music by Carbon Based Lifeforms (CBL)
Make music with your whole body: Håkan Lidbo
Paint with your eyes: Carl Thomé and KTH School of Computer Science and Communication
Satellites for all: KTH Space Center
Thought-controlled music: Håkan Lidbo and Cornelia Sorjdelius
Tantrix: Parama AB
The Ear och the Nervous system: Johan Malmström and Niclas Malmström
Digital information system
Tactam/Space + Time
Graphic design
Artistic interpretation and design, the Future labs
Reflection Company
Exhibition text adaptations
Easy-to-read: Myndigheten för tillgängliga medier
Proofing of Swedish texts and translation to English: ToEnglish Pty Ltd
Reading aloud: Produktionsbolaget Munck
Text with symbol support: Stockholm Center för Kommunikativt och Kognitivt Stöd
Sign language: Ning AB
Other collaborations
AddMotion, Marit Sundin
Bildningssektorn i Borlänge kommun
Colour of Strategy Ltd, Tantrix Nya Zeeland
Innovatum in Trollhättan
Joaquin Rosell, konstnär
Karolinska institutet
Mattecentrum in Stockholm
Mobile Life VINN Excellence Centre
Orbital systems, Mehrdad Mahdjoubi
Solvatten, Petra Wadström
SICS Swedish ICT
Stockholms universitet
Uppsala universitet
Expert group for Same but different
ADHD-center, Attention Stockholm, FoUU, Habilitering & Hälsa, Hjärnfonden and Kung Över Livet
Jury for the MegaMind design contest
Eric Siegel, New York Hall of science
Åsa Carlestam, White arktiketer
Jesper Cederlund, Riksutställningar
Ann Follin, Tekniska museet
Åsa Lindgren, Tekniska museet
Mariana Back, Tekniska museet
Daniel Wetterskog, Tekniska museet
Web agency
Bysted AB
Last updated 7 December 2021.