When in Stockholm

Big red planet in the milky way

Visit space

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With immersive 3D in 360°, we take you further away, deeper down and more close-up than you have ever been before.

people sitting with vr glasse in wisdome dome

At Wisdome Stockholm, difficult challenges and complex situations are transformed into breathtaking experiences.

Moon reflecting the forest, a exhibition from Tekniska.

The Forest

In our new experience, you will walk along trails that snake through the trees and pass over undulating terrain. Sit down in a quiet spot, listen to the music of the forest and watch the sun set over the lake. The Forest at the National Museum of Science and Technology is a place for experiences, for reflection and to just be.

Discover The Forest

12 exhibitions at your disposal

En digitaliserad kropp och skelett som visas i bakgrunden. Framför visas loggan för utställningen Hyper Human med texten människa och maskin.

Hyper Human

In the Hyper Human exhibition, we explore AI, genome editing, artificial body parts and the dream of eternal life as well as the ethical issues that arise.

Blåa hörlurar med utställningen Play Beyond Plays logga.

Play Beyond Play

Play Beyond Play is the National Museum of Science and Technology’s large computer game exhibition featuring game stations and imaginative environments.

Föremål i metall som skymtas i bakgrunden. Framför visas logga för utställningen MegaMind med texten upplev och utforska.


MegaMind is a place where you experiment your way to new smart ideas. Ideas are the answers to all questions and the solution to every problem.

Animerad motorväg med person i mitten som springer mot en stad. Texten i bilden visar utställningens Zero Citys logga med texten framtidens stad.

Zero City

Zero City is an interactive and challenging exhibition, covering 1,200 square metres, where visitors will come together to plan a fossil-free city of tomorrow, in order to achieve climate goals.

Restaurant and Café

Mom, dad and two kids sitting around the table in Tekniskas restaurant.

Eat and drink

A modern food concept where future, innovation and sustainability are the starting points. A unique experience for the whole family.

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Open 10 - 22

Hours and admission

The museum is open everyday 10 - 22. Admission includes entrance to exhibitions at the museum.

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Last updated 21 May 2024.