The Archives of the National Museum of Science and Technology are a goldmine for anyone interested in Sweden’s cultural heritage in the form of Sweden’s technical and industrial history.
The Archives contain approximately 1200 shelf metres of documents, 200,000 maps and drawings, and more than 1 million images and photographs. You’ll find letters, diaries, press clippings, brochures, records of meetings, books of account, images, films, maps and drawings from Sweden’s industrial history. How do technology and society interact? What was it like working in different industries? What lies ahead for technology in the future? It is our role to make these narratives available to the public.
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Searching in the Archives
You can search for archival documents and images in DigitaltMuseum. The majority of our archival material is not digitised yet, however. But our archival inventory is searchable in the Archives database Klara (swedish).
In the free text field in Klara, you can search for a company name, the name of a person, the name of a product, etc. There is also an advanced search facility for searching at more detailed levels. The Archives are catalogued according to Sweden’s allmänna arkivschema (general archives arrangement) in different groups (series) of documents.
Parts of the Archives
- Technology and Industrial History Archive Documentation of Sweden’s industrial enterprises: work places, products, manufacturing and sales.
- Individual Archives Personal archives and the archives of smaller companies and associations within the Museum’s area of collection.
- Drawings Archive Contains 200,000 maps and drawings. This archive contains the constructional drawings of industrial plants; design drawings for mechanical devices once used in mines, agriculture, factories and workshops; and drawings of machinery designs, tools and products. The oldest of these documents is from the 18th century. Drawing collections from several prominent master-builders are represented: Håkan Steffansson, Falun; Albert Bergström, Finnshyttan; Wilhelm Wenström, Örebro; and Carl Johan Nilsson, Högåsen. Qvist & Gjer’s archive contains a large quantity of drawings for the construction of Sweden’s first power plant buildings. The drawings are fragile and require special handling. Phone or e-mail the Museum’s archivist at least two days in advance if you want to explore drawings.
- Climate Archive Photographs, positives, negatives, sound recordings, films.
- Official Archive The Museum’s own operations documents such as previous exhibitions and documentation projects.
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Last updated 15 January 2024.